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We only have a real sense of how the world moves forward, and how technology invades our daily lives, when we look back and have the ability to compare the state, we were in at that time, with the state we are in today.

It is this exercise that we can do, compared to the state of electric mobility today with what was going on, when in 2018, we started this adventure of organizing the first race in Portugal completely decarbonized.

Three years passed and the electric mobility scenario evolved in a brutal way ... BEV sales skyrocketed, despite the pandemic context. The automotive offer has not stopped growing, with new solutions and major developments, especially with regard to charging and autonomy.

We leave the example of our partner to the end. The Municipality of Oeiras, which in 2018 had practically no chargers, is now installing a network that will be able to charge up to 80,000 km/day, a situation that translates into fuel substitution fossils equivalent to 5.662 litters of diesel and 6.471 of gasoline… this is our way.


Paulo Almeida
Organising Committee President


Contact us


Phone:   +351 927 963 632
(Chamada para a rede móvel nacional)
